On March 23rd the UK went into COVID-19 lockdown. The whole country went into a panic. So many of us were confused, anxious and uncertain about what would happen. Would we get it? Would our friends or family? Would we be safe? How can we keep safe?

In the last yoga class I taught in school, I clung to every precious moment of connection with the pupils I was teaching, not knowing when I would be able to teach again. Every funny comment and innovative idea. All their giggles and smiles. I honestly wish I could bottle them up for the best healing medicine. At the end of the class, a couple of the children were in tears.

“Why can’t you come in and do yoga? It’s not fair!”, shouted a Year 2 boy in tears, his little body shaking.

It was clear that their fears and confusion with the situation were being expressed. From that point, I knew I had to do something to help these children and all the others I teach in schools and so the promise of yoga on the internet was born. They were excited and left with smiles.

The whole family wanted to be involved – awesome! My children wanted to be involved in the children and teen yoga classes. My partner joined too and wanted to show people that with little or no experience, yoga is accessible to everyone. Chair yoga was also created inspired by my Gran who was stuck at home and had already been self-isolating for weeks.

As a fully trained Primary school teacher and Yoga Teacher with over 20 years of experience, now was the time to be vulnerable and put my classes out there to the masses.  Scary but I moved out of my own way.  We have all suffered and many still are as a result of this crisis, either emotionally financially or mentally.  All my training and experience had lead to this, to help everyone get through lockdown together, to show up and serve.

We kept a timetable of 8 classes for pre-schooler, KS1, KS2, teens, adults and elderly going completely free for 10 weeks and we did it for you.

All our content can be found on Sam B Yoga’s YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

Minutes Viewed

YouTube 14.5k
Facebook 61.9k

In such a time of darkness and uncertainty, the classes provided consistency, fun and an accessible wellbeing toolkit. It was not always easy and a continual steep learning curve. Things went wrong but it was an incredibly uplifting experience for all those who participated and also for us.

We would like to thank you all and your feedback, donations and support we hope you continue to follow us into the future.

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